Xiaomi’s Mi5 is expected to arrive early next year with a Snapdragon 820 processor on board. That’s all we really know for now, though a new rumor out of China claims to reveal a whole lot more about the upcoming flagship phone.
According to one Weibo tipster, the Mi5 is set to launch next month on Jan. 21. The device will apparently feature a fingerprint reader and some sort of 3D Touch alternative, along with Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 820 chip. It should also run Android 6.0 Marshmallow out of the box, though with plenty of modifications from Xiaomi’s own MiUI.
The same leak also included a render of the Mi5, which shows thin bezels in front and what looks like a fingerprint sensor below the display. The design hasn’t changed much from the Mi4. It’s possible the back could be covered in metal, but there’s no way to know for sure.
As for the price, Xiaomi will apparently charge 1999 yuan for the baseline Mi5 (roughly $311). A more expensive 2499 yuan ($389) may also be available. It’s unclear if you’ll be paying extra just for more storage space, or for a few other perks as well.
Thankfully we shouldn’t have to wait long to find out. With the first Snapdragon 820-powered phones set to launch next year, it looks like Xiaomi’s Mi5 may be first in line, assuming it really does arrive next month.
Source: Weibo
Via: PhoneArena